Can I install my own Septic tank?

One off customers can purchase a 4500L single stage or dual stage septic tank from us but it must be installed by a Registered,  Certified Drainage Contractor.

All other products in our septic range can only be purchased and therefore installed by a Registered, Certified Drainage Contractor.

The Council says "I can't have a septic tank". Why?

This could be due to a number of reasons.

  • The property could be subject to subdivision and resource consents.
  • A geotechnical or site suitability report has indicated poor draining soils unsuitable for conventional septic tank disposal systems.
  • Effects on the environment. eg proximity to waterways or coastal areas etc.

How often does my tank require desludging?

This depends on the number of people residing at the residence. The more people living there, the more sludge is generated which over time decreases the retention volume in the septic tank.

General rule of thumb and many Council requirements is desludging every 3 years.

Some do's

  • Use biodegradable detergents and cleaners.
  • Check detergents cleaners to see if they are suitable for use with an on-site biological treatment system.
  • Do scrape all your dishes to remove fats and food particles before washing.
  • Do shake sand and dirt from clothes before washing them.
  • Install water saving devices such as dual flush toilets

What shouldn't I put into my Septic Tank?

Avoid putting the following into the toilet, kitchen sink, bath, shower, or laundry (which will end up in the septic tank):

  • Sanitary pads or tampons, wet wipes, paper tissues, paper towels, disposable nappies, nappy liners, cigarettes, rags, or other materials.
  • Engine oils, hydrocarbons, cooking oils, fats, grease
    Compostable vegetable matter.
  • Acids, pesticides, medicines, paint, thinners or other materials which will kill the bacteria in the system.
  • Septic tank “cleaning chemicals”